Wil Brown on WordPress and its community

24 05, 2024

Arriving in Sydney in 2012, Wil Brown immediately found his place in the local WordPress community. Today he’s organising meetups and Wor...

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS is tested and ready to go on Virtual Servers

10 05, 2024

A new version of popular Linux distro Ubuntu is available on MyHost servers. It will stay in support for years to come. ...

See you at WordPress Sydney's July meetup

06 05, 2024

I'll be presenting at WordPress Sydney on 31 July. Come along to hear about speeding up WordPress at every level....

Clean-up time: Trash folder cleanup will auto-delete old files

18 04, 2024

IMPORTANT UPDATE: From 6 May 2024, files that have been in the trash for more than 30 days will be deleted forever....

Why “Premium” domains cost more

15 04, 2024

Surprise! Some domains carry special price tags with higher-than-expected numbers on them. Here’s why....

IMAP or POP3: How to choose the right email protocol

21 03, 2024

When you’re setting up an email client, the best protocol to select mostly comes down to the number of devices you check your email on....

Enhanced Gmail spam filters target bulk email senders

20 02, 2024

Here's how to avoid spam folders by using SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records....

Platforms and Pricing Power: Shopify’s Plus-Sized Move

15 02, 2024

A 20% price increase shines a light on the big trade-off involved with Shopify. Is the convenience worth the cost and the lock-in?...

The .au namespace is shrinking

08 02, 2024

In just four months, 39,000 .au domains have disappeared. What’s going on? And how long will it last?...

Look out for fake emails about WordPress vulnerabilities

05 02, 2024

Fake emails about "high-risk vulnerabilities" in WordPress contain links that you should not click. As always, caution is your ...

Website Builder now supports full ecommerce sites

22 11, 2023

Build a store, organise your products, manage payments and more - all within MyHost's super-easy Website Builder....

Holiday opening hours, 2023-24

21 11, 2023

Over the Christmas & New Year break, we'll spend a little less time answering phones and support tickets. Emergency support is a...